Did you know that solving picture puzzles has been associated with a higher IQ and improved observational abilities? Not only are these visual challenges entertaining, but they’re also an effective method of increasing cognitive function. According to research, solving puzzles on a regular basis improves cognitive abilities and makes the mind more alert and flexible.
This tricky photo puzzle poses the following straightforward question: Can you locate the terrace in less than five seconds? It’s time to demonstrate your intelligence!
In five seconds, find the path to the terrace.It seems simple, doesn’t it?
The catch is that only people with a high IQ and keen observational abilities will be able to finish in the allotted time.
This is a test of your IQ, fast thinking, and keen observational abilities, not just a game.
Even the sharpest minds are expected to struggle with these challenges.
Were you able to locate the terrace? In that case, you probably have an excellent attention to detail and are a born problem solver.
Answer to this optical illusion
For those unable to spot the path to the terrace, the answer is mentioned below:

If you had fun solving this picture puzzle, tag your friends and family in order to challenge them to locate the terrace in this image in little more than five seconds.
Optical illusion: Find a man’s hidden face in 7 seconds