Next Android Auto update may make it easier to play the radio

Android Authority dove into the upcoming Android Auto updates and discovered that Google is working on making it easier to play music from your car radio and local files from an SD card or thumb drive when driving.

Currently, to listen to the radio in Android Auto, you need to either start it before you plug your phone in, or bounce out of Android Auto, turn it on, and then open Android Auto again and make sure you’re not using any other apps that play music. It does work, but it’s a little counterintuitive.

In the teardown, it looks like a new radio app might make its way into the Android Auto interface to give users an easier way to control the radio while on the road.

Like playing music from the radio, local storage also requires drivers to come Android Auto and then control playback through their car’s default infotainment. You can switch back into Android Auto to use navigation apps, but again, it’s pretty annoying.

Hopefully, this update will launch soon and allow more people to use the radio while driving again.

Source: Android Authority 

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