Gatineau MP Steve MacKinnon is replacing outgoing Labour and Seniors Minister Seamus O’Regan, who announced his resignation from cabinet Thursday.
MacKinnon says he is “grateful” for the opportunity to serve in this portfolio and thanks O’Regan for his service over the years.
This follows a surprise loss for the Liberals in last month’s Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection. Since then, several Liberal MPs have privately and publicly called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to hold a more substantive meeting to discuss party policy.
“I think governments have a challenge everyday to wake up and continue to offer solutions to Canadians. We will obviously continue to do that. We are very confident in the policies that we’ve set,” MacKinnon told reporters after his swearing-in.
“We’re also very confident that the contrast between our policies and the policies of our opponents is one that we will continue to make, and one Canadians I think will bring into sharper relief as the year goes on.”
On rumblings of discontent among members of caucus, MacKinnon said there is always a diversity of opinions among the Liberals, but everyone is “four square” behind Trudeau.
“We have obviously a challenging political situation. We are going to be bringing into sharper relief the contrast and the choices that Canadians will have to make as they go to the polls in the next election. We have to do that a lot better,” MacKinnon said.
The new minister added that he sees “resolve” in his caucus and cabinet colleagues and doesn’t believe Canadians are too harsh on polices related to climate change and dental care.
According multiple sources, cabinet is set to have its first meeting since that byelection loss on Friday. The sources said it is expected to be a short meeting to clear up unfilled appointments and be a quick, virtual meeting.
‘There’s never a good time, there’s never a perfect time. There’s just the time,’ outgoing minister of labour Seamus O’Regan told Power & Politics Thursday regarding his decision to leave cabinet. Liberal sources tell CBC O’Regan will be replaced by Quebec MP Steven MacKinnon.
Born in Price Edward Island, MacKinnon most recently served as government House leader, filling that position on an interim basis while Karina Gould was on maternity leave. She is expected to return to her role at the end of July.
The Ottawa-area MP was first elected in 2015, when the Trudeau government won its majority.
MacKinnon has previously served as government whip and deputy House leader.
O’Regan said he is resigning from cabinet for family reasons, and plans on staying on as the MP for St. John’s South—Mount Pearl in Newfoundland and Labrador. He will not seek re-election.