Case Study: Premature Baby Overcomes Life-Threatening Complications

27-Week Premature Baby Triumphs Over Multiple Organ Challenges And Severe Gut Complication.

Premature Baby Overcomes Life-Threatening Complications

In a rare and complex case, a baby born highly premature at just 27 weeks gestation has successfully overcome severe life-threatening conditions at Narayana Health SRCC Children’s Hospital, Mumbai. The newborn faced severe respiratory distress at birth due to premature lung requiring ventilation support. The baby was administered medicine to expand the lungs and ventilation. The baby was also given treatment for a hole in the heart, which closed with medicines.

During The NICU Journey Of The Baby

He faced multiple challenges due to the immature organ systems of the baby. The baby needed support for the functioning of the heart. He was given a blood transfusion as their bone marrow was still too immature to keep producing enough blood. The baby developed early chronic lung disease, which is a complication in premature lungs. This was managed medically, and the baby required ventilatory support for approximately five weeks. The baby was given parenteral nutrition with an exclusive human milk diet.

  • The most critical phase came during the fourth week when the baby experienced a life-threatening episode of heart rhythm disturbances and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a severe complication of the intestines in premature infants. Emergency surgery was required to remove the complicated intestines to save the baby’s life. Worldwide, 50 per cent of babies with this complication do not survive.
  • Dr Manju Kumari, Consultant Critical Care Services at Narayana Health SRCC Children’s Hospital, shared, “The immaturity of the baby’s organ systems presented a serious challenge, but we were able to address each complication effectively. This case is a testament to the importance of comprehensive neonatal care.”
  • Over a two-month stay in the Level 4 NICU, the baby underwent meticulous management for several complications: nutritional rehabilitation, integrated physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. The baby was successfully discharged at 36 weeks postmenstrual age, weighing 1.7 kg and thriving on oral feeds.

This case emphasizes the crucial role of advanced neonatal care in managing the most vulnerable and fragile lives and saving premature babies through state-of-the-art treatment and multidisciplinary support.

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