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Time not on our side
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Here we go again. On Sunday we are thrust — whether we like it or not — into daylight saving time. No doubt it will be accompanied by the usual litany of complaining about increases in traffic accidents, poorer sleep, mental confusion, lack of focus, and general malaise, etc, etc. Someone explain please, why we need an extra hour of daylight in the evening when there are still weeks of winter to endure, freezing temperatures and mounds and mounds of snow to deal with. Not exactly backyard barbeque weather. Oh yeah, an extra hour of darkness in the morning is part of the deal. In case people have forgotten, daylight saving time once was a dangling carrot. Something we truly looked forward to and it served a real purpose. That’s because it kicked in at the end of April, when the weather was warm and enticing to genuinely want more daylight in the evening. Then over the years and decades it inexorably crept earlier and earlier until it now arrives almost two full months sooner than it should. Move daylight savings time back to the end of April where it belongs! Another option might be to compromise and split the difference of the hour time change. Advance clocks by half an hour and never ever change them again.
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(Yes, it is that time of year again. Endless debates about the time change that go nowhere and nothing — except the time — changes)
Pot, meet kettle
Justin Trudeau openly says that Donald Trump wants to cripple our economy. That may be true but Trudeau has been crippling our economy for 10 years. We could have had LNG deals with Japan, Korea and Germany but those were nixed by Trudeau. We could have had many of our resources including oil and gas at huge production levels but those were trampled on by Trudeau. If anyone has destroyed our economy and diminished our GDP it’s been Trudeau and his gang of Laurentian elites, and with Mark Carney soon joining the fray, our economy won’t get any better at least not until we finally have a federal election this year.
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(It is a bit rich to hear Trudeau talk about crippling the economy given his history.)
Libs not the answer
Re: Pierre not the answer. (Letters, March 2) Lord help us if Pierre Polievre ever becomes Prime Minister? I’d say Lord help us if we re-elect the Liberals, but the truth is if this country re-elects the Liberals then we really don’t deserve any help. Since 2015 nearly every metric you would use to measure how well a country is doing has been nose-diving. So, a sincere question for Martin and those who share his views. How bad do things have to get in Canada before you’ll finally stop voting for the people running it into the ground?
(You get what you vote for … usually.)
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