Banksy has posted another artwork in London, marking the third piece of a new animal-themed collection – this time featuring monkeys.
It is the third black silhouette composition that the Bristol-based street artist has claimed credit for since Monday.
On Wednesday, he posted an image on Instagram of the monkeys looking as though they were swinging on the bridge of an east London Tube station.
It is on a bridge over Brick Lane, near a vintage clothing shop and a coffee house, not far from Shoreditch High Street.

James Peak, who presented BBC’s The Banksy Story, told BBC London: “Banksy is mounting a campaign – ever increasing number of animals, different disparate parts of London.
“Where’s he going to pop up next? Nobody knows. It’s quite exciting if you’re a Banksy fan, and a brilliant thing for London in August.”
He called the three monkeys “brilliantly rendered”, adding “I don’t know what they mean, but I do now that everyone around here has been talking about them.”
Three monkeys, two elephants and one goat

He did not write a caption for any of the Instagram posts, which has fuelled speculated online about their meaning.
Three monkeys have been associated with the Japanese proverb “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”.
In Banksy’s work, the monkeys are not covering their eyes, ears or mouths.