Crypto for Advisors: Don’t Be Spooked By Crypto

Unlike traditional stock markets, which close at 4 p.m., aren’t open on weekends, and take holidays off, crypto markets never sleep. This gives investors the freedom to trade at any time, regardless of where they are in the world. For many, this freedom may seem overwhelming and, paradoxically, may limit their participation. After all, who wants to be on alert around the clock, monitoring prices and making snap decisions? In traditional markets, significant events, partnerships or regulatory updates can be researched and synthesized during non-market hours. This allows investors to create a well-formulated plan and be prepared to act accordingly when markets open. In crypto, however, prices can move at any time. You may have loved Solana at $150 on Friday night, but how do you feel about it at $185 on Sunday morning? This is a unique dilemma that crypto investors constantly face; you often need to act early and with conviction or risk being left behind. If this inundation of information seems like taking a drink from a firehose, having a crypto advisor can provide a significant advantage. An advisor can afford to devote most of their time to a 24/7 market because this is their profession, whereas most investors will have a completely unrelated profession that takes up most of their waking hours.

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